Ergonomics Exercise 1: Exploring User Dimensions of Your Mobile Device

The objective was to explore personas and measurements for my mobile device by sketching and annotating the piece in relation to the anthropometric data.
When I was tasked with this exercise the persona my group decided on was for people of all ages with visual impairment to be able to use this device. I completed this exercise in parallel with the mobile device project.
Using the sketches I had created for the mobile device as shown in figure 1 and to ensure the grip could be used easily and with limited effort, I gathered the anthropometric data that was required.

fig.1 - Final sketch
This was done using the sheets provided by my lecturer, Becky Baker, as shown in figures 2 to 5.

fig.2 - Data Sheet One

fig.3 - Data Sheet Two

fig.4 - Data Sheet Three

fig.5 - Data Sheet Four
Figure 6 shows my final sketch of how the grip would work with the additional anthropometric data that would be required. The sketch displays two sets of data, one is UK and the other US. This is because some of the data sheets did not include UK data.

fig.6 - Ergonomic Sheet