Interactive Project

The aim of this project was to create an engaging experience through the development of an interactive exhibit that would be used for the Transmedia End of Year Exhibition. We chose to call ourselves "The Reality Gallery" and decided to develop an augmented reality magazine that would display artwork from Winchester students which could be displayed as a 3D view. My role within the project was to create sketches, 2D designs and 3D models to show the different style of plinths that would be used to display the artwork.
From initial discussions with the rest of the project team in realtion to what the project was aiming to do, I researched what could be used to display the artwork. From this I chose a plinth, lightbox, pedestal, shrine and different art stands as the designs to be used. These would be able to show canvases in portrait and landscape. Figure 1 Shows some of the research I looked into.

fig.1 - Research
Once I had completed my research I began to create my sketches as shown in figures 2 to 7:

fig.2 - Plinth Sketch

fig.3 - Pedestal Sketch

fig.4 - Lightbox Sketch

fig.5 - Shrine Sketch

fig.6 - Art Stand (Portrait) Sketch

fig.7 - Art stand (Landscape) Sketch
Once my sketches were completed I discussed them with the 3D visual designer. Initial thoughts were that based on measurements provided the models would be too tall. From this I had to revisit the sketches and adjust the measurements accordingly as shown in figures 8 to 11. At this point I included another design to be added as shown in figure 12.

fig.8 - Pedestal Sketch Update

fig.9 - Plinth Sketch Updated

fig.10 - Lightbox Sketch Update

fig.11 - Shrine Sketch Update

fig.12 - Poster Sketch
Once all the sketches had been completed I started creating the 2D designs as shown in figures 13 to 19.

fig.13 - Art Stand (Portrait) 2D Design

fig.14 - Art Stand (Landscape) 2D Design

fig.15 - Pedestal 2D Design

fig.16 - Lightbox 2D Design

fig.17 - Plinth 2D Design

fig.18 - Poster 2D Design

fig.19 - Shrine 2D Design
Once the 2D designs were completed I moved on to the 3D models as shown.

Completed Pedestal:

Completed Plinth:

Completed Lightbox:

Completed Shrine:

Completed Art stand (Portrait):

Completed Art Stand (Landscape):

Completed Poster:
Figure 20 shows all of the completed models displayed together:

fig.20 - All Models
The following are a couple of animations I have created of the rendered models that I completed. However these would be designed further by the 3D visual designer.
In the event that these items were to be used in real life then the following anthropometric data would be used to ensure they were created to the right scale.