Transmedia Exhibition

Project Overview

For this project, we were to fully organise a digital media event called the Transmedia exhibition. This is given to all second-year students to create at the end of the academic year and to also promote ourselves and our work to both the university and potential employers. There is a lot of planning that goes into this project and this page will say what I have participated in.
For my contribution to this exhibition, I helped with the virtual exhibition and created the floor plan for the exhibition.
My first input was looking at how we could have a virtual map for our website. After looking on the internet I found a website called dog studios that were used for the Dubai Expo 2020. Due to covid-19, the expo reached out to the studio with the need for a virtual rendition of the event. This is so that the user would not have to worry about travelling to Dubai to see the events, talks and different architecture. See the picture below.

fig.1 - Dog Studio Dubai Expo Map
This led me to look at the expo website to see the map in its final design. Using screencast recording software, I recorded how they used the map and how interactive it was.
This task was started by another student, Cherry Hau who made this idea into a reality. If you want to see the end result, please go to her portfolio here.
The next part of the process was to create the floor plans for the exhibition. When I started, I surveyed the collaboration space for what was in there, noted them down and took a photo. This is the photo of the floor plan:

fig.2 - The floor plan on paper

fig.3 - The route plan (AutoCAD)
The plan is still ongoing and will be completed after the event on the 12th of May.