Level One: Classroom

For level one I used the research I had initially done on Pinterest primarily around which props to use.
I began initial sketches for this level which also gave brief descriptions of the props to be used. These were then submitted to the rest of the group to review. any comments recevied I would then ammend the sketches if necessary.
Each of the levels were designed to have the same beginning and ending. At the start of each level the character would have to escape from a litter bin and the level would finish by jumping into a recycling bin.

Start Bin

End Bin
Once the level layout had been agreed and the props to be used, I then began creating more detailed 2D prop designs along with measurements for each. These measurements would be used by the designer to create the characters to scale and the 3D artist could create the props. Below are the 2D sketches that were submitted to the group as well as drawings created in AutoCAD which I passed on to the 3D artist to help with their design.
Bench Sketch
Books (Chair Steps) Sketch

Books Steps Sketch

Chair Sketch

Table Sketch

Starting Bin Model

End Bin Model

Bench Model

Chair Books (Steps) Model

Book Steps Model

Chair Model

Table Model